I'm excited to share that
Chill was part of the article
Egg Freezing? Some Consider it a Sexual Revolution in the September 12th issue of
Grazia, an Italian fashion magazine!
The original article (pic below) was in Italian, but with a little help from a friend, it's been translated to English. Enjoy and let me know what you think!
As someone who calls it the "second sexual revolution", disruptive as the first, triggered by birth control pills, others see it as "insurance for fertility", a "strategy to stop aging ". We are talking about oocyte cryopreservation, a technique developed from medicine to postpone the possibility of becoming mothers. Let's step back. Until now, in a woman's life, there were studies, the frantic search the "right job", career. The engaged couple arrived, disappeared. Motherhood was a distant goal. And the years passed. When it was decided to have a family, the children did not come. Why, yet not everyone knows that, with advancing