Monday, November 25, 2013

Sarah Elizabeth Richards' Motherhood, Rescheduled

Since I began my egg freezing journey, I've been mildly obsessed with hearing stories of other women who've frozen their eggs.  I'm specifically interested in hearing the reason(s) these women chose egg freezing, how they felt sharing their decision with friends and family AND of course, how they coped with tons of hormones coursing through their veins.   

Reading Sarah Elizabeth Richards' book, Motherhood Rescheduled:  The New Frontier of Egg Freezing and the Women Who Tried It, was like hitting the Adventures in Egg Freezing jackpot!  I devoured the stories of the four clock tickers - Sarah, Monica, Kelly and Hannah in three days.  I mourned, celebrated and was moved by each personal tale.  And yes, I might have cried a few times too.   

It also reinforced a few things for me: 

Monday, November 18, 2013

Fan of the Week - Sara Frappier

To the first kid I babysat, my travel companion, fellow body art lover and super smarty-pants, Dr. Frappier:

Just like when we battled to save the Princess, you've supported me from the beginning of this egg freezing/movie making journey. For that cousin, I am incredibly grateful!

You are vibrant, sensitive, driven and stronger than anyone I know.   You're definitely maxed out with all the best Frapp qualities! I admire the woman you've become both inside and out. You are beautiful!

Lots of love and hugs,

Friday, November 8, 2013

Egg Freezing Has Gone Mainstream

Check out this two minute clip on how more woman in their late 20's to early 40's are choosing to freeze their eggs.

A few interesting quotes from the piece:
  • "Bradshaw underwent a procedure to harvest and freeze her eggs, while continuing to search for Mr. Right...'I didn't want to give up that dream of having the kids and everything'."
  • "Fertility experts across the country report a surge in healthy women choosing to put their eggs on ice, hoping to preserve their fertility for the future.  Dr. Eric Widra with the Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology credits the bump to significant advances in freezing technology."
  • Widra shares, "There are two primary ways that people freeze eggs. We've optimized both of these technologies to the point where experienced centers now see comparable success rates from eggs that were frozen from either method to those that are fertilized fresh."
Let me know what you think.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Welcome Pam Wise!

It seems time has gotten away from me and it's been quite a while since I've posted.  My excuse?  Good things are happening with the film and it's been busy.

I'm happy to say that Pam Wise has joined the Chill team as editor!  I'm sure you've seen her work.  She edited these award winning flicks:  Secretary, Transamerica, Dark Matter, Then She Found Me and Dancemaker.  Not to mention Pam's an A.C.E. Eddie Award Winner for Best Edited Documentary for Dancemaker.  Pretty freakin' cool!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Chill in Grazia Magazine!

I'm excited to share that Chill was part of the article Egg Freezing?  Some Consider it a Sexual Revolution in the September 12th issue of Grazia, an Italian fashion magazine!

The original article (pic below) was in Italian, but with a little help from a friend, it's been translated to English.  Enjoy and let me know what you think! 

As someone who calls it the "second sexual revolution", disruptive as the first, triggered by birth control pills, others see it as "insurance for fertility", a "strategy to stop aging ".  We are talking about oocyte cryopreservation, a technique developed from medicine to postpone the possibility of becoming mothers.  Let's step back. Until now, in a woman's life, there were studies, the frantic search the "right job", career.  The engaged couple arrived, disappeared. Motherhood was a distant goal.  And the years passed. When it was decided to have a family, the children did not come. Why, yet not everyone knows that, with advancing

Friday, September 6, 2013

Egg Freezing: It's an Option

Recently I read an article in US News & World Report, Egg Freezing:  A New Frontier by Rachel Pomerance.  Here are some interesting snippets:
  • "`Egg freezing is a way to be your own egg donor,' Grifo says."
  • "`The younger the patient, the better the outcome - although most 20-year olds likely aren't worried yet about safeguarding their fertility.  If you're thinking about it, I think you should see somebody for a consultation,' he says, explaining that women who ruminate about it for five years wish they had acted five years ago."
  • "A recent study by the Free University of Brussels in Europe found that among 86 women who had frozen their eggs, 96 percent said they would do it again, but 71 percent said they wish they'd done it sooner."
  • "By 34, `if you know you're not going to have children within a few years, find the money and you get older, you're gonna have to pay money for fertility at some point, so you might as well do it now when you have a good chance of lowering birth defect."
Let me know what you think.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Fan of the Week - Stephanie Mitchell

To the girl I rode with in the yellow Chevette,  the bad ass who punished the bully that called me the N word with a snow ball to the face, the friend who shared her peanut butter and marshmallow sandwiches with me, Stephanie: 

You have the best laugh I've ever heard; it's wonderfully contagious, which sometimes gets us in trouble, but is totally worth it.  You are truthful and tenacious with a compassionate heart.  You are loved and perfect as you are.  You are the best sister a girl could ever have, Steph-a-noodle-poodle-head!

Thank you for taking care of me, encouraging me to be better than I think is possible and always being on my side.  Love you lots!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Fan of the Week - Jamie Bullock

To my guitar teacher, first landlord in Los Angeles and friend with the beautiful heart, James:

Who would have thought we'd become such good friends after the Busy Season Food Incident of '99?

You are a strong and magnificent spirit, Officer Pacheco.  I'm so grateful to have your creative genius in my life.  Thank you for being a part of this exciting journey and helping me find my voice.  Much love. 

Friday, July 26, 2013

Is it Time to Freeze Your Eggs?

I came across a a great blogpost by Jeannette Francis about becoming and adult (or postponing it for as long as humanly possible), motherhood and egg freezing.  It includes a great 5 minute video clip of fellow egg-freezer Sophie Ashton discussing her decision to freeze her eggs.

Here are a few interesting excerpts from the article:

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Fan of the Week - Pat Frappier

Shout out to a wonderful woman with whom I share the same last name and our Fan of the Week, Pat: 

I am so grateful for your encouragement and support.  A giant thank you for being a part of the journey!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Fans of the Week - Kathryn Grady & Family

To the woman with the most infectious smile and the first boss that I looked forward to seeing at work because we laughed so much, Kathryn:

You made my life brighter every day we worked together.  You are a hilarious, authentic and beautiful spirit.  Thank you for encouraging me creatively and for giving me my first "real job" in Los Angeles!  Many thanks to you and your lovely family for supporting Chill!

Hugs and much happiness as you begin your new Montana adventure!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Fans of the Week - Brooke Cadorette & Family

To my fellow Yellow Jacket, Powder Puff football teammate and champion,

Back in the day, I never imagined that two east coast girls would make the trek and build lives in sunny California.  I am so grateful for your encouragement and enthusiasm.  Many thanks to you and your beautiful family for supporting Chill!

~Fancy Feet

Monday, July 1, 2013

Fan of the Week - Mary Peralta

Miss Mary,

You've been with me since the very beginning of this journey.  Thank you so much for your honesty, encouraging chats and giving me a push when I need it.  I'm so appreciative of your support, but most grateful for your friendship!  

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Indiegogo Fundraising Update

The Chill Indiegogo Campaign finished with over 6,900 views, raising $4,025 in donations!  

I'm so grateful for the thoughtful comments, encouraging emails, tweet-tweets, shares and likes on Facebook. Thank you!   

A special thank you to the anonymous donors and everyone else for their support!

Emmy Aceves

Pat Frappier

Sylvia & Bill Moore
Anisha Adusumilli
Sara Frappier
  Lindsey Orem
Chris Bishop Desire Gagnon
 Mary Peralta
Dante Brown
Junko Goda   Leonard Ross
Ryan Bullard
  Kathryn Grady
  Adam Schor
Janet Bustillo
  Nakisha Guevara
  Tom Suess
Brook Cadorette & Family
  Scott Heckman
  Hans Sugatan
Linda Cevellos-French
Judith Hetherington
 Ken Tanabe
Heidi D. Durrow
  Faith Hoskins
  Felicia Tapia
Michael Fishman
  Linda Hyde
  Delia Udrea
Mandi & Aaron Forehand
  Sybil Mazur
  Harold Wash
Angela Fornero
  Jacqueline McAllister
  Kim Weddig
Charlene Frappier
  Stephanie Mitchell
  Dan & Patrick White

Monday, June 24, 2013

Fan of the Week - Ryan Bullard

To my rock-n-roll friend and proud new papa, Bullard,

A big hug and huge thank you for your generous donation to Chill! I'm so grateful for your support. Congrats on the new bambino! He's totally adorbs!  Can't wait to meet him!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Fan of the Week - Dante Brown


It's been a while since the days at GTSI, but the memories live on.  Thanks for your words of encouragement and support!  I am so grateful for your contribution to Chill!

P.S. - Here's to hoping you hit the next Powerball!

Friday, June 14, 2013

How Age and Health Affect Fertility

 Here's a great little snippet on how age and health affect fertility.  

"The number of eggs steadily declines throughout  a woman's life whether she’s on birth control pills or pregnant, the eggs decline.  As a woman ages the number of healthy eggs decline so that at age 30 most of the eggs will be normal, but after age 38,  50% of the eggs will be abnormal. The chance of conceiving after 38 declines very much...For a woman who’s in her mid-thirties and in a committed relationship, go ahead and think about having a child sooner than later.  For those not in a committed relationship, egg freezing has become a real viability and it is not as costly as patients believe."

Check out this short interview with Reproductive Endocrinologist Robert Weiss.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Fan of the Week - Scott Heckman

To my old friend, fellow GTSI-er, and birthday twin, Scott: 

I  appreciate you taking the time to be a part of this journey!  I am so grateful for your support and thank you for donating to Chill!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Fundraising Update

The Chill Indiegogo Campaign has had over 5,440 views and raised $3,210 in donations!

Chill also made its way to the number one spot in two categories, film and verified non-profit, on the same day!

Thanks so much for all the thoughtful comments, twee-tweets, shares and likes on Facebook.  I'm so grateful!  Let's keep it going! I can't do it without you!

Monday, June 3, 2013

Fan of the Week - Michael Fishman

I loved watching Roseanne back in the day.  She was sarcastic, slightly irritable and didn't give a damn what other people thought.  (In my opinion, all good qualities.)  Plus, the way she teased and taunted her kids made me laugh.  She dished out enough parental harassment to show that she loved them like crazy, then heaped on the attitude to emphasize who was the boss of that little house in Lanford.

Little did I know that one day I would meet DJ Conner in the flesh.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Chill and Masala Chica

A huge thank you to Masala Chica for inviting me to guest post on her blog. I'm so grateful for Kiran's support, but even more thankful for her friendship!  To see how Kiran and I got pimped out for charity, check this out:  Why Don't We Just Chill? 

Monday, May 27, 2013

Fan of the Week - Felicia Tapia


First and foremost, thank you for your military service.  Second, your generous spirit helps Chill get one step closer to the goal; we couldn't do it without you.  Thanks for joining the journey!

PS - Hopefully, we'll get to meet in person before Prince heads overseas!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Fantastic Fundraising News

In 18 days, the Chill Indiegogo page has had over 1500 views and raised $2,355 in donations! 

Chill has also made it's way to page 2 of the film category. It's inching closer to the spot on page 1 AND then to the main page!

I'm truly grateful for all the encouraging emails I've received, rockin’ retweets and generous contributions!  Let's keep it going!  I can't do it without you!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Roundtable Conversation on Egg Freezing

Here's a really interesting segment from To the Contrary about egg freezing.  To watch just the egg freezing portion, skip to 9:59 below.  

A couple of my favorite quotes:
  • "The part of me that believes that a woman has a right to plan above all whether and how she going to have children, keeps me from saying don’t do this.  It is another one of the choices that I would not deny a woman, but I do think one has to think about why....With everything new thing there will be people who mistake how you ought to use it, but are we going to somehow deny people that choice?   When it comes to having children, I'm for you making any choice you want to make."  ~Eleanor Holmes Norton
  • "This is additional choice and for some women it will mean a miracle, I think especially for woman who have been diagnosed with cancers early in life where they had to undergo chemotherapy and I hope that this creates and option for those women.  I don’t believe that there is any such thing as having it all.  This too comes with trade-offs.  It mean you will be an older parent.  It may mean that your children will have less time with their grandparents, which are such special’s another option, but yet again it comes with trade-offs....Culturally this may tell us about our priorities.  Ever since women have been entering the workforce we’ve had more and more opportunities more and more choices and those are wonderful things.  I’m in a generation of people that’s really struggling with the family formation question."  ~Hadley Heath

Monday, May 20, 2013

Fans of the Week - Mandi & Aaron Forehand

Mandi and Aaron,

Not only have you cheered for me on the softball field, but you've celebrated each victory during this journey.  Thank you for your smiles, hugs and optimism.  I couldn't ask for more! 

P.S. - Thanks to Twink too!    

Friday, May 17, 2013

Jagged Little Pill

A few days ago, I read a blog post from Red Pill Theory that made me want to vomit.  It was titled Is Egg Freezing the Next Birth Control?  It wasn't the title that turned my stomach, but the words spewed by the author.  

The blogger shared his feelings about egg freezing and women, specifically Sarah Elizabeth Richards, author of Motherhood Rescheduled:  The New Frontier of Egg Freezing and the Women Who Tried It.  Here's what he said that made me wanna puke:  "There's something powerfully strange about a modern career women:  their inability to admit failure.  Everything they do is part of their path to self-empowerment.  Sarah Richards had to use her life savings on a fairly dicey new technology because she couldn't get a man.  That's my definition of failure, especially when you consider 90% of white women manage to get married."

Monday, May 13, 2013

Fan of the Week - Heidi D. Durrow

To fellow mixie, Heidi:

Thank you for supporting me in more ways than one during this exciting journey.  You have encouraged me to push my boundaries,  believed in me when I had a hard time believing in myself and been a wonderful friend.  I'm so grateful to have you on my team! 

Monday, May 6, 2013

Fan of the Week - Adam Schor

Adam is the first person to donate to Chill's Indiegogo campaign.  Thanks for getting the ball rolling!  We appreciate your support @adamschor

Here We Go!

The egg freezing is done. Now, let’s make a movie! 

What We Need
  • I’ve taken care of Phase I ($14,000): which included the egg freezing procedure, filming and all other production expenses.
  • Now, it’s time to move forward and this is where I need your help. Phase II: post production – transcripting, contracting composers to write music, hiring an editor to organize and edit the footage and so much more. This is where it becomes a short film! My goal is to raise $15,000 (or more).
  • The short will be submitted to festivals and then begins Phase III: a feature film that presents the full story— my life before egg freezing, my egg freezing journey and three to five years in future. You’re gonna want to know what happen with the eggs, right?
Donate:  Click here to contribute to Chill!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Thanks to The Festival!

Most people that know me are aware of my involvement in the Mixed community.  Over the past four years, I've put my time and heart into two life-altering  projects, The Mixed Chicks Chat Podcast and The Festival.  An enormous thank you to The Festival for featuring me and Chill on their website!  I am so grateful for their continued support and faith in me.  They helped me find my voice and encouraged me to use it.   Check it out! 

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Eff Cancer

I met Alice Crisci at the Fertility Planit Show in Los Angeles this past January. She was a speaker on the egg-freezing panel. The moment she finished sharing her story, I knew there was no way I could leave that place without meeting her.

She was vulnerable, full of life, enthusiastically talking with her hands, and had one of the most infectious laughs I’ve ever heard. I was inspired by her journey and in complete awe of her strength.

At 31, Alice was diagnosed with breast cancer. Let me repeat that – At 31, Alice was diagnosed with breast cancer. Talk about a game changer. When I think of cancer I don’t exactly envision someone in their early thirties having it.

After learning chemotherapy treatments could cause infertility, Alice decided to freeze eggs and embryos. She wanted to give herself the best possible chance to become a mother after she survived cancer. If she survived cancer.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

India & Egg Freezing

Egg freezing has arrived in New Delhi! Although the procedure is fairly new to India, the concept of women racing against their biological clock is not.

Deepika Gupta is a 35 year old career focused lawyer who is still looking for Mr. Right. In the meantime, she has decided to freeze her eggs.

"Many women are coming forward to preserve their fertility as either they don't want to have a child now or haven't found the right person. Every month we get four-five queries about egg freezing and one or two of them come in for the procedure," says director of the Surrogacy Centre India Healthcare, Shivani Sachdev Gour.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Can We "Have It All"?

Being single and in my mid-thirties, I am quite familiar with the steady stream of comments regarding my lack of marriage and children.  Honestly, I know I'm not the only woman half way to 40 plagued by this, but sometimes it feels that way. 

These days more women are postponing motherhood or buying themselves time by opting to freeze their eggs.  Check out the article, Egg Freezing: De-Thaw To "Have It All"; it discusses two woman, Sabrina and Deborah, and their reasons for freezing their eggs. 

Friday, February 15, 2013

Now what?

Now that my eggs are frozen, there's a follow up question people love to ask: "So when are you gonna use them?"

During my initial research, I came across a great website that discusses everything egg freezing.   I was pleasantly surprised that Eggsurance provided so much information in one place.  The best part?  A handful of "Women Like Me" who had already completed their journey, including Eggsurance founder, Brigitte. 

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Freaking Out

I have a habit of freaking out about things I can't control.  It's not one of my better qualities, but I've been working on it.

A few years ago I started meditating.  When I'm dicisplined enough to meditate regularly, it's much easier to surrender the unknown. 

Sometimes when things around me are running smoothly, I get cocky and skip the daily meditations.  Big mistake. 

Friday, February 1, 2013

Good News

I'm excited to share that I received fantastic news yesterday: 

"Congratulations! Your project Chill has been accepted for fiscal sponsorship with Artspire, a program of the New York Foundation for the Arts. We are excited to begin our relationship with you, provide technical assistance to support your project’s growth, and ultimately watch Chill come to fruition."  

How cool is that?!