In Memory of
Robert L. Frappier
January 23, 1928 - April 23, 2012
Of all the kids in this world, I know that I ‘m the luckiest girl.
Breakfast special - yolkers, ham and rye,
McDonald’s you would stop to buy me fries,
Pizza making
on Friday nights,
Benny Hill
and root beer floats to my delight.
Sundays in
the basement, movies to watch
The Ewok
Adventure and Wizard of OZ.
Zebra cones
from the Orange Bowl at the mall,
My first
tricycle, silver sparkly handlebars and all.
Together on
the double bike, you did all the work while I took in the sights.
Ice cream
treats with Mickey Mouse ears, tips for Koolaid and sips of your beer,
Subs with
special onions at the beach from under the umbrella I would reach.
When I
caught a chicken, you were as proud as could be - I yelled, ”Papa look at me!”
Number 3 of
31, you taught me to live, to laugh, to love and have fun.
Never in my
35 years, did I ever believe your smile would disappear.
To me you
will always be alive, residing in my heart until the day I meet with you in the
I miss you already.
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