Wednesday, September 12, 2012

My Eggsurance "Women Like You" Interview

A few weeks ago, I shared my egg freezing experience with the founder of the Eggsurance website, Brigitte.  To check out my "Women like You" Interview, read below.

Current age: 36
Age eggs were frozen: 36
# of eggs frozen:   9

Why did you freeze your eggs?
I’ve always wanted to have a family. That’s never been a question for me. Turning 35 really threw me for a loop. I was no longer in the early-thirties bracket. I just kept thinking, “I’m halfway to 40.” You know the scene in When Harry Met Sally where Sally is in her bathrobe crying and she says, “And I’m gonna be 40….Someday.” That’s what I felt like. Forty was five years away at the time, but it was looming. I had to be really honest with myself about what I wanted for my future. If having kids was important to me, taking action to possibly extend my fertility seemed reasonable enough. I made the decision to freeze my eggs because I didn’t want to miss the opportunity to have my own children AND I didn’t want to pressure myself to choose a partner just because I wanted to have a family. It’s all a matter of timing.

What was the most difficult part of the process for you?
The most difficult part of the process was getting to the point where I could begin the hormone shots through the retrieval. First, I had to find a director for the documentary. Second, my grandfather became very ill the day before I planned to start the STIM cycle. I decided to push the shots a month to visit him. I’m incredibly grateful I saw him when I did; he passed away the next month. Third, when I finally started the hormone shots, one of my follicles was growing exponentially faster than the others. After two days of shots I stopped the injections. I had to wait until my next period, which was four weeks away.

You are now blogging about your experience, what made you decide to be so vocal about your story? 
When I first made the decision to freeze my eggs, I didn’t want to tell anyone. I was afraid of what people would think. (Yep, sometimes the insecure high school me resurfaces and cares too much about the opinion of others.) Once I got over the fear (and myself), I talked to a few friends. Chatting with them made me realize how important it was for women to know egg freezing is an option.

You are also making a documentary film, can you tell us a bit more about this project?
During my egg freezing research, I looked for anything and everything to read and/or watch that would give me a better idea of what I could expect during the process. Most of what I saw discussed the science, but lacked information on the physical and emotional aspects.

I wanted others to be able to participate in the journey – see what I saw and feel what I felt. I'm working to raise funds and produce a film. There's a lot of great footage so far. I’m really excited about it. The project is called Chill; a documentary film about balancing life, career, and cheating the biological clock.

Has anything changed now that you have frozen your eggs?
I’ve learned more about fertility in the last year than I have in my entire life. My eyes have definitely been opened to how delicate and complicated a woman’s body is. That’s for sure. Most of the changes I’ve noticed are emotional. I feel less pressure about choosing a partner and reduced anxiety about what the future holds.

I’ve also become very open to talking about egg freezing with men and women. In my experience, men are fascinated by the science. Women feel a sense of relief and sisterhood knowing there’s another person that feels what they do.

What would you tell women considering the procedure?
1.  If you can swing it, freeze your eggs before your 30th birthday; the earlier the better.
2.  Go to a reputable fertility clinic. Research, get referrals and make sure you’re comfortable asking questions to both the clinic staff and doctor because along the way you will have questions.
3.  No one likes shots, but they’re part of the process. The injections will become routine. You’ll get to the point where you won’t even think twice. Trust me, you can handle it.
4.  As my best friend would say, "There have been many women before you.  There will be countless women after you.  You're not alone."

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